Welcome To Our New Website

Welcome To Our New Website

We are excited to share with you that we have redesigned our website in order to make it more user-friendly and also to make it a seamless process of information for sharing between our Blog, our News Flash and our Facebook page. This is why the Blog is now a main feature of the Home Page. You will have new updates regularly in this way and you will also see past blogs for you to read as well. We are excited to feature many of you and your work, so please let us know what you are doing to further the teachings of Virginia Satir.

One of the big changes in the website is the renewal process. The renewal date will be May 8th and you will receive reminders ahead of time. To renew, you will login to your account, fill out a form and pay. We now have two levels of membership, Member at $100 and Student at $25. And for those who need consideration for a fee reduction, you can contact the office at office@satirglobal.org.

Not a member yet? Join today!

We look forward to getting to know you better and having you become more acquainted with Satir Global. The world needs Virginia’s teaching more than ever!