These organizations have joined together with the Virginia Satir Global Network to promote human growth and understanding using the model of the late Virginia Satir. Each organization is self-governing and solely responsible for their program development and content. Virginia Satir and the flame logo are trademarks and used with permission of the Virginia Satir Global Network. VSGN, its directors or employees, exercise no control over the actions of the Affiliate or its members. Affiliates may not state or imply by their actions, that they are the agent, subsidiary, partner, or have a business relationship with VSGN.
To request permission to use the name, Virginia Satir, or any copyrighted materials, contact the VSGN office.
For more information about The Affiliates, Institutes and Membership committee members Click Here
The Satir Centre of Australia for the Family is a private, professional clinic, which offers prompt, confidential help for a wide range of psychological, personal and emotional issues which frequently trouble otherwise well-adjusted people.
With many years of clinical experience, the Satir Centre’s psychologist and psychological medicine doctor are able to work separately or together to help individuals, couples, and families identify, clarify, and resolve a wide range of problems or issues.
Individuals or couples may call us directly; a referral is not necessary. However, referrals by doctors and other health professionals are always welcomed. New patients are seen promptly, and the therapist will work according to the specific needs of the individual, couple or family. At the Satir Centre of Australia for the Family, you are always treated by one of the doctors, each of whom has more than thirty years of clinical experience. You will never see an inexperienced junior or a trainee.
The Satir Centre of Australia for the Family believes that effective help results from empowering people to become their own decision-makers in life. Accurate information, careful and thorough assessment, understandable explanations and experienced guidance form the basis of successful therapy.
“Enriquecendo Seu Relacionamento Consigo Mesmo e com os Outros”
Programa desenvolvido por Sharon Loeschen, LCSW, baseado nos ensinamentos de Virginia Satir (1916-1988), foi mundialmente reconhecida, pioneira no campo do trabalho social e precursora das “Terapias Familiares”. Satir, promoveu a ideia de que a maneira de ajudar as pessoas é focar em seus potenciais e recursos internos, em vez de sua patologia e também foi uma das primeiras a enfatizar a importância que a autoestima desempenha no comportamento humano.
Esta jornada começará com foco no recurso central para todos nós, que é o nosso Espírito único. Virginia Satir acreditava que as pessoas são milagres e que em seu centro havia um lugar de luz onde as pessoas sentiam seu valor, ou como ela chamava, seu “tesouro.” Ela viu como sua missão ajudar as pessoas a se reconectarem com esse lugar que abrigava seu “Espírito” e falou sobre isso desta maneira:
“A questão para mim nunca foi se (as pessoas) tinham espíritos, mas como eu poderia contatá-los… Era como se eu visse através da essência interior de cada ser, vendo a luz brilhante do espírito preso em um grosso cilindro preto de limitação e auto rejeição. Meu esforço era permitir que a pessoa visse o que eu via; então, juntos, poderíamos transformar o cilindro escuro em uma tela grande e iluminada e construir novas possibilidades”
O objetivo em realizar este trabalho é o mesmo, ajudá-lo a ver sua “luz brilhante”, para lhe trazer orientação de maneiras de ajudá-lo a contornar o cilindro preto de limitação e auto rejeição. Uma maneira é nutrir conscientemente seu Espírito.
Sharon Loeschen, LCSW, Psicoterapeuta há mais de 40 anos, teve o privilégio de ser aluna de Virginia Satir(1916-1988), da qual os ensinamentos à tocaram profundamente. Sharon, descreve Virginia Satir como uma “Presença Extraordinária”, e sente falta da energia que Virginia Satir trazia ao mundo. Sharon acredita que muito da sabedoria de Virginia Satir podem e devem ser compartilhados, e assim, Sharon, escreveu vários livros que trazem os ensinamentos de Virginia Satir, dentre eles o livro que inspirou este programa “Enriching Your Relationship with Yourself and Others”.
Este é um programa psico educacional com foco na construção de suas forças e habilidades psicológicas. Tem como foco, enriquecer sua vida, ensinando a acessar seus recursos internos de forma mais profunda, tomando consciência sobre seu “Espírito Único” – sua energia vital e, simultaneamente, explorando habilidades de; conscientização, aceitação, fazer escolhas e mudanças, exploração, ter coragem, entre outras.
Algumas das premissas que alicerçam este trabalho são:
Você é um milagre e digno de amor.
Você é uma manifestação da força da vida e recebeu o dom de um Espírito interno.
A mudança é possível.
Você tem escolhas, especialmente em termos de responder aos eventos ao invés de reagir a eles.
Você pode se conectar com base em suas semelhanças e crescer com base em suas diferenças.
Com novas informações surgem novas possibilidades.
Com base nestas premissas, você terá a oportunidade de explorar, praticar e aplicar estas informações em sua vida e em seu trabalho.
Você poderá poderá participar deste programa com foco em seu Desenvolvimento Pessoal, por meio de atendimentos individuais e/ou trabalhos em grupo, como também, havendo interesse em aprofundar seus conhecimentos nesta metodologia, você poderá participar da formação Satir Coaching & Mentoring Program.
This Institute offers on going year round training. To see what is currently being offered check out their website.
“Purpose: to provide a broad educational context including classes, workshops and seminars in which persons may experience and learn in depth the Virginia Satir systemic growth model in order to understand, develop and use the Satir Model in their personal and professional lives”.
“The Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (STST) training programs (Levels I, II and III) are for practicing counsellors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, family physicians, nurses, clergy, instructors of family studies and family therapy, child care workers and graduate students in the above fields who are presently working with clients. The focus of the programs is on facilitating transformational change through Virginia Satir’s Growth Model. The approach is applicable to working with individuals, couples and families.
Professional Development Training Programs, Workshops and Seminars
The Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (STST) training programs (Levels I, II and III) are for practicing counsellors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, family physicians, nurses, clergy, instructors of family studies and family therapy, child care workers and graduate students in the above fields who are presently working with clients. The focus of the programs is on facilitating transformational change through Virginia Satir’s Growth Model. The approach is applicable to working with individuals, couples and families. Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy Model is unique in encompassing both the intrapsychic and interactive components of therapy. Much therapy of the past has been focused only on clients behaviour, cognition or emotions. This model is focused on bringing about change at the level of Being, as well as changes in doing, feeling and perceiving.
The process taps the universal yearnings of individuals within their personal family and social systems and helps them work towards a sense of responsible wholeness and peace. The process requires that the therapist has a high level of therapeutic competence and congruence. The program will provide hands-on skill development opportunities and participants will be required to work in triads between sessions practicing some aspects of the program. Participants will also work with their own three generational family maps to increase personal learning opportunities in applying a systemic therapy model. The course leaders will utilize lecturettes, small group discussions, structured exercises, demonstrations, experiential learning and skill practice sessions as part of the program. All training programs, conferences, workshops and seminars sponsored by Satir Institute of the Pacific are under the supervision of:
Tricia Antoniuk, MSW, RSW Director of Training
For program information and general inquiries contact Cindi Mueller at our Surrey, BC office.
The mission of the Satir Institute of the Yukon is to share the teachings of Virginia Satir and to provide training opportunities for professionals in the Satir Philosophy and Model and workshops for people who want to experience personal growth and change.
For additional information please contact Pat Bragg at
Beijing Qijia Shengye counsulting was the first Satir center founded in mainland China in 2003.
It develops a comprehensive training system – GROP. Their trainings are delivered in the form of personal counselling, public workshops, in-house training, online course etc: .
G for Growth, refers to the personal growth of individuals which is the core of the Satir model application. It aims to help a person to develop a complete, harmonious, rich life energy level, to have inner peace and interpersonal harmony.
R for Relationship, refers to the parents-child relationships, husband-wife relationship, and other intimate relationships. Interpersonal relationship affects one’s happiness, While Satir aim to improve communication, promote mutual understanding, enhance the relationship.
O for Organization, refers to enterprise applications, including enterprise team cohesion and construction, team integration and communication, the leader of the internal psychological energy, team psychological capital integration and so on. The Systematic and experiential of Satir model will lead the organization to discover more resources to change.
P for Professional, refers to the training for the professionals. It is to help people who’s dedicated to help others by providing them with professional training course.
To see what is currently being offered check out their website.
Re-See Happiness Counseling (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd is a private counselling organization which provides personal growth, family education, psychological counseling, coaching, and supervision for individuals and groups.
◎ personal growth workshop
◎ Satir Coaching and Mentoring Specialist Certification
◎ Clinical supervision
◎ one to one counselling/coaching session
You are welcome to contact the founder,Hettie Tu (MSW),certified Satir trainer, Certified Coach at
The company address: : #1415 ,Block A, South International Building, No 3013 Yitian Road, Futian District ,Shenzhen, GuangDong Province, PRC
Objectives: To promote and develop the Satir Model and other humanistic approaches in counseling and therapy in Hong Kong. Belief: People have the ability and internal resources to change and grow. Mission: To support, connect and empower individuals, families and organizations through the Satir Model.
Green Pastures Whole Person Development Centre is a private professional organization providing educational and counselling services to individuals, families and communities Counselling service
Spolek INSPIRACE – Institut pro transformační systemickou terapii
It was founded in 2014 and its founding members were: MD. Alexandra Beránková, Mgr. Lubica Lichorobiecová, Mgr. Renata Koláčková, Mgr. Jarmila Petrovská PhD., Mgr. Petr Štěpaník and Mgr. Petr Hýl. Inspiration closely cooperates with other organizations, especially with the Institute of Virginia Satirovej in the Slovak Republic, and is an affiliate organization of Satir Global Network.
Purpose of the Organizaton
• To promote Virginia Satr’s approach and practces and to make it available to francophones
• To host Satr trainings, workshops and events – of various lengths and formats
We offer high quality in-depth experiential trainings of the original Satir-Model-teachings.
We want to create a space for an ongoing development of Virginia Satir’s models and processes to achieve a safe space for personal growth and congruency.
Our intention is to bring Virginia Satir’s wisdom to a broader public and to create an experimental environment for further development of the Satir Work. For more information visit our website.
Advisory Board:We are proud to be advised by a high quality advisory board. All members have studied directly with Virginia or connected with her on a personal level or both. Just to name two:
Gunther Schmidt M.D.,Dipl.rer.pol., medical specialist in psychosomatic medicine, Founder and Developer of the Hypnosystemic Approach, director oft the Milton-Erickson-Institut Heidelberg, medical director of sysTelios-clinic Siedelsbrunn for psychosomatic health development, co-founder and trainer of the Helm Stierlin Institut for systemic therapy, counseling and research, co- founder and Senior Coach of the DBVC (German Association of Coaching), Life Achievement Award of the German Trainig Field 2011, Milton-Erickson-Price of the MEG (Milton-Erickson-Society of Germany), trainer of the MEG.
Dr. Stephen Gilligan is a licensed Psychologist practicing in Encinitas, CA. Stephen was among the group of students that gathered around the founders of NLP during its formation at U.C. Santa Cruz from 1974-1977. Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson became his teachers and mentors.
After receiving his doctorate in Psychology from Stanford University, Stephen became one of the premier teachers and practitioners of Ericksonian hypnotherapy. Motivated by his experiences as a therapist, a teacher, and by his own quest, he developed a new practice of radical awakening incorporating Ericksonian psychotherapy, Aikido, Buddhism, meditation, and the performance arts.
Dublin, Ireland
Virginia Satir Institute
The key objective of The Virginia Satir Institute, Dublin, Ireland is to apply the teachings of Virginia Satir to the Coaching and Mentoring context and to provide the opportunities for interested parties to complement these teachings with Licensed trainings in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). Video
The Institute offers both online and in person options for its:
Trainings are delivered by Brian Colbert Master Trainer of NLP (
So, if you are an existing Coach, Therapist, Trainer, or just someone that wants to develop yourself a whole lot more, we believe that there is no better program than the Satir Coaching and Mentoring Specialist training as developed by Sharon Loeschen (long time student and colleague of Virginia Satir and former President of Satir Global) to help you to:
All Satir Coaching and Mentoring Trainings are currently delivered by Brian Colbert Master Trainer of NLP
If this appeals to you, please contact us at we would love to be a part of your journey.
Virginia Satir Institute of Rome,
Via Cicerone 2, 00046 Grottaferrata (RM),
We created a Centre that will be very peculiar in the scenario of Italian Coaching or Training Centres –an Institute based upon Satir teachings, not only to work with families or couples but with all people who want to develop their Communication skills in the direction of growing at the best they can. For the same reason we provide also: Feldenkrais Functional Integration lessons and we could go in a parallel way by Feldenkrais method and Satir psychological Coaching.
Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller has been training with Virginia Satir since 1976 in the USA. Her invariable dream was to bring the Satir Model to Israel. Since Virginia’s teaching in Israel in the 60ththere were few attempts to teach the Satir Model in Israel. Such was Stephen Buckbee and Bunny Duhl’s visit to Israel in 1996.
However, it wasn’t until Dr. John Banmen graciously agreed to come to Israel and give us a headstart in 2006 that we marked the beginning of the formal training process of the Satir Model (STST) in Israel. The first group was trained by Dr. John Banmen and Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller, with additional contributions by Kathleen Maki- Banmen.
Since 2006 this initial group continued training with Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller; fulfilling the equivalent requirements of Level One & Two. The first group of 18 graduates celebrated the completion of STST training in 2011.
Since 2011 several enrichment programs have been conducted by Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller including: Using the Satir Model in couple therapy, the use of self in therapy, Satir’s internal parts, the change process, dealing with trauma- the essence of trauma and its treatment, issues of betrayal and other topics.
Graduates of the training, alongside trainees have been meeting regularly, studying and expanding their knowledge of the model. The groups practice in triads deepening their understanding and skills of the various roles within the triad, specifically the roles of the therapist & the supervisor. The goal was to become more CONFIDENT, COMPETENT & CONGRUENT using the Satir Model.
To teach and train therapists and trainers in the spirit of Virginia Satir (1916-1988). As one of the leading and most influential family therapists of our time, she created her unique humanistic, systemic approach to treating families and individuals. Among other goals we aspire to:
Psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, couples & family counselors, child & school counselors and educators, expressive arts therapists. Most participants have had training in family therapy.
Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller – Founder of Satir Institute of Galilee, Chief trainer of the Satir Model around the world, Family therapist, Clinical psychologist & Dance therapist:
Management Team:
Dr. Beth Nemesh – Family therapist and expressive arts & music therapist
Ofra River, MA – Family therapist & dance therapist
Dr. Shifra Dior – Psychologist, Director of EAP program in Israel
For more information click the link below.
Bilingual Spanish-English
Latino America, Spain, & More…
The CREATING CONNECTIONS SATIR INSTITUTE is a bilingual, online space which provides training opportunities for individuals, families, and professionals within the Satir Experiential Model of the Process of Change, Growth, and Relationships.
The Institute provides training and mentoring for people who want to experience personal growth and change in accordance with Satir’s Transformational Systemic Therapy with both Level 1 & 2 (Enriching Your Life Program) & Level 3 (Virginia Satir Coach & Mentor Certification) Trainings.
More information
El INSTITUTO SATIR CREANDO CONEXIONES es un espacio bilingüe y online que ofrece formaciones para individuos, familias y profesionales dentro del Modelo Experiencial Satir (Proceso de Cambio, Crecimiento y Relaciones).
El Instituto ofrece formación y tutoría para las personas que quieren experimentar y guiar a otros hacia el desarrollo personal y relacionales de acuerdo con el Modelo de Terapia Sistémica Transformacional de Satir con clases de Nivel 1 (Fundamentos) y Nivel 2 (Especialización).
Más información
Purpose: to promote Virginia Satir’s Model and her humanistic ideas in Lithuania.
For more information:
Contact – Jorūnė Vyšniauskytė-Rimkienė,
Satir Whole Person Development Association of Malaysia,
The Satir Therapy and Coaching Institute: Enriching Relationships
Institute of Virginia Satir,
Bangkok Psychological Services strives to make quality, evidence-based mental health services available to all members of our community. Supporting diversity and inclusivity is a core value at Bangkok Psychological Services. Most of our therapists are researchers, which means that we stay up-to-date on what the research says about what works. If we can’t provide what we think is the best treatment for what a client is struggling with, we will do our best to refer them to an appropriate treatment.
Sibel Usluer Erenel, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Satir Human Growth and Family Therapy Institute trains professionals in Turkey with it’s competency based Family Therapy Training Program towards becoming clinically competent family therapists deepened in the Satir model therapy. Also therapy using Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (STST) is provided in helping individuals, couples, children, and families. The founder, developer, and the lead trainer of the program Sibel Erenel is a California licensed marriage & family therapist, an AAMFT (American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy) approved supervisor. She is the recipient of SIP 2013 Unsung Hero Award and Satir Transformational Therapy Leadership Award for the family therapy training she had developed using the STST.
The Satir Model Family Therapy training program is a 3/4 year program that aims to provide therapeutic competence by deepening in the Satir model. The program was designed to provide knowledge and skills in parallel with American Family Therapy Core Competency Standards established by American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy(AAMFT) and it also attempts to meet the standards of European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) and International Family Therapy Association (IFTA). Participants who chose to use this model as their primary therapy approach learn the theory and concepts of this model and develop core family therapy competencies applying STST. Skill development is via experiential exercises, triad skill practice work (therapy practice where participants work in trio), homework, case presentation and supervision.
One of the most important components of the program is that the growth of the ‘Self’ of the therapist is always an ongoing focus. The training group works with the same lead trainer who also follows up the progress and growth of the trainee like a supervisor. In all the training modules information is supported with ethical standards of the family therapy profession and cultural sensitivity.
The institute is a full member of EFTA-TIC (European Family Therapy Association Chamber of Training Institutes).The institute’s Family Counseling Program is also approved and registered by Minister of Education in Turkey. The program is endorsed by Satir Institute of the Pacific (SIP) and is currently under the consultation of SIP Director of Training Kathlyne Maki-Banmen and was originally approved by the SIP former Director of Training Dr. John Banmen. A joint Family Therapy Certificate is given as a result of the collaboration of these two institutes.
Satir Human Growth and Family Therapy Institute (Satir İnsan Gelişimi ve Aile Terapisi Enstitüsü ) trains professionals in Turkey towards becoming clinically competent family therapists deepened in the Satir model. The competency based Family Therapy Training Program was developed by Sibel Erenel using the AAMFT, EFTA & IFTA standards. Since 2007 it is endorsed by Satir Institute of the Pacific (SIP). The institute is a full member of EFTA-TIC (European Family Therapy Association Chamber of Training Institutes) and it is a registered program of the Minister of Education in Turkey. The founder, developer and the lead trainer of the program; Sibel Erenel is a California licensed marriage & family therapist and an AAMFT (American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy) approved supervisor. She is the recipient of SIP 2013 Unsung Hero Award and Satir Transformational Therapy Leadership Award for the family therapy training she had developed using the STST.
The Virginia Satir Institute of the UK envisions a world that is love-rich and violence-free. We aim to educate and teach Satir Systemic Tools (such as Family Reconstruction, Satir Growth Model, Communication Toolbox, Parts Party: Integration of Inner Parts, Systemic Coaching and Mentoring and Enriching Skills) to the general public as well as to health care practitioners in the UK and beyond. Please visit the Programs and Past Events sections to find out more.
The Institute for International Connections for Personal and Cultural Growth (I.I.C.) is a non-profit organization that promotes cross-cultural understanding and collaboration in developing peace-oriented, democratic systems. Since 1990, I.I.C. has worked in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia to provide links, programs, networks, and opportunities to people in human services, education, and business. Inspired by the pioneering family systems therapist, Virginia Satir, I.I.C. uses a multi-layered approach to change, involving the individual, family, community, and workplace. IIC is an affiliate of the Virginia Satir Global Network.
The Haelan Centers®, services are provided to individuals, schools, non-profits, and community businesses. Those services are offered as therapy, consultation, education, and mediation. We work from a systemic framework understanding the importance of each part of the community and seek to achieve greater goals together.
SYSTEMIC THERAPY TRAINING AND EDUCATION Another focus is the provision of lectures, seminars, and academic course work for mental health professionals and students who are clergy members, counselors, family therapists, nurses, psychologists, and social workers. All activities enable participants to learn ways to facilitate their own growth and wholeness and provide the opportunity for self-exploration. They are open to all clients and students of The Haelan Centers ®, and to the public.
The Virginia Satir Archive and Museum preserves a vast collection of materials related to Virginia’s life and work. The Ray and Dorothy Becvar Systemic Therapies Library is housed here in support of learning. Both offer many resources and training materials for students and the public.