News Flash: The Kaunas Region, Satir Institute of Lithuania

News Flash: The Kaunas Region, Satir Institute of Lithuania

Pictured from left: Juozas Saulys,  Jorune Vysniauskyte-Rimkiene, Rasa Vejelyte,

and Jurate Gudliauskaite-Godvade



The Kaunas Region, Satir Institute of Lithuania

for becoming an

Affiliate of Satir Global


Their mission is to spread ideas of Virginia Satir in Lithuania by providing many more trainings for professionals such as social workers, psychologists, educators, etc., and  organizing teachings for everyone who wants to grow, be healed and encouraged to live a life full of mindfulness and love.

They believe that an official affiliation with Satir Global Network will encourage them to spread Virginia Satir’s ideas and teachings into larger communities.