Robert Williams
My name is Robert E. Williams, and I am a US Army veteran, startup founder, author and serial entrepreneur. I am a graduate of The University of Wales Trinity St David where I attained my MBA in global business management. In 2015 I launched my startup Athcorp Inc. and built XZEVN, a multi-modal mental health analysis platform. In 2018 Athcorp partnered with the National Security Administration Office of Research and Technology (ORTA) and Bowie State University research laboratory to study how machine learning and artificial intelligence can be leveraged to improve telehealth outcomes. In 2017 Mr. Karl Ginter, my technology adviser at the time, introduced me to Jean McLendon of the UNC Department of Social Work Satir Program. Jean introduced me to the work of Virginia Satir when I participated in two Satir summer intensive courses conducted at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Department of Social Work Summer Satir Program. Today, I serve as a strategic advisor to businesses seeking help with planning, designing, and standing up mobile and web applications. My connection to Satir is rooted in my training in the Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (STST) method. Through my connections training, I learned to not focus on the chaos in life but to navigate that chaos by tapping into my internal resources. I now integrate Satir’s teachings into not only my personal life but also as a foundational framework of my business culture.