Welcome to Our 2025 Conference Information Page

Today’s world is very different from last year. The people of the world are dealing with numerous kinds of chaos:climate change, global conflicts, financial struggles, political and cultural shifts. Chaos comes with uncertainty and unpredictability, much of which is out of our direct control. It seems hard to know where to focus and there hasn’t been a lot of encouraging news.

We chose HOPE as our theme for this year’s conference. The program will focus on how Virginia Satir’s Model provides pathways to find, nurture and sustain your client’s hope and your own hope. Here’s a few questions you might want to think about regarding hope.

  • Where do you find it in the world? Does it seem in short supply?
  • How hopeful are you feeling right now?
  • Are you hearing people say they are losing hope or are feeling hopeless?
  • Are world affairs such as wars, climate effects, inflation, movement toward authoritarianism, loss of freedoms impacting your ability to hope?
  • How are you nurturing hope?

Virginia gifted us with many pathways to hope including the self-esteem tool kit, the iceberg, the mandala, five freedoms, parts party, congruence, temperature reading, ingredients of an interaction, family maps, rules and reconstruction and even spirituality. She was a beacon of hope. She believed in the value of each human being, our connection to the life force, our resources and our ability to grow and change. Her values were the foundation of her gifts that ground us in our ability to hope and to help others to hope.

2025 Conference Presentations will share ways you can use Virginia’s values and gifts within yourself, between you and your clients, couples and organizations. Some presentations will demonstrate how you may combine Satir with other modalities and in different contexts.

  • Conference Dates are Friday, June 27 and Saturday, June 28 starting at 8:00am to 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time
  • Program is in development. A detailed list of workshops will be added to this site around the middle of April
  • Registration will open in early April.

Come learn about creative ways to help others travel their pathway to hope.
Together we can nurture hope in troubled times.

Watch for information coming soon about the 2025 Online Conference