Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Durham, NC

- Satir Non-Global Event
- Training Facilitators:
- Lutricia Callair, LCSW - Lutritica (she/her) is a clinical social worker and a Satir practitioner who focuses on children and families in crisis. She has been an activist since the age of 14, trained in non-violent civil disobedience (Satyagraha) and a member of the Roy Wilkins Youth Council of the NAACP. Her book which addresses her work as an activist and therapist is due for publication Winter 2025.
- Hugh Gratz, LCSW (retired) - Hugh (he/him) is a clinical social worker for 40+ years with experience in family therapy, hospice and bereavement, anti-oppression work and emergency trauma response including to NYC after 9/11, Sri Lanka after the tsunami, and El Salvador during their civil war. He trained with Virginia Satir over the last 8 years of her life and was a member of her training staff.